Hi, Lincoln Talkers -- The Lincoln Residents for Housing Alternatives group (LRHA) held an 
information Zoom last night, and explained the HCA options, including and especially Option E. 
To keep the focus on each speaker in the presentation, we kept all but the speaker's cameras 
off -- no secrecy intended; we just wanted to have people concentrate on the numbers and 
concepts being presented. The presentation ran about 35 minutes, after which we spent almost an 
hour answering questions. We were not able to answer all the questions in the time we had 
planned, so are parcelling out the remaining questions to the presenters best equipped to 
answer them. We'll post those questions and answers as soon as we can collate them. Here is the 
Zoom link to watch the recorded presentation: 
 We have gotten feedback already letting us know that the information was clearly organized and 
presented, and we hope that if you weren't able to attend you'll at least watch the 35-minute 
program to understand the salient points before Saturday's Town Meeting. Best to you all ~ Deb 
Howe 88 Wells Road Sent from iCloud
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