Hello LT,
I highly recommend listening to the recorded HCAWG meeting on 11/6/23.. 
Jennifer Glass gives an excellent  explanation of the RANKED CHOICE VOTING @ 
December 2nd Special Town Meeting.  
As I listened to the entire  11/6/23 HCAWG meeting... I quickly came to the 
conclusion that Terry Perlmutter deserves a formal public Thank you for her 
continual concern for the residents of Lincoln.  On several occasions during 
this meeting...  Terry asked the group.. "are you going to allow residents to 
ask their questions?"  " I think people may get angry over that".I was quite 
surprised by the group responses.   Please watch/listen to the meeting. 
Again, Thank you Terry Perlmutter for leading with integrity.   

Sincerely,Theresa Kafina  
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