One of the early discoveries of Neil Armstrong in 1969 was how beautiful
blue the earth looked as he stepped on the Moon.  The color now may look
slightly different but it will still look blue to our eyes.  The earth
tries to refurbish itself in order to preserve, but it can get tired.  We
have begun to feel the earth's exhaustion.
Through the foresight of the early settlers, the town of Lincoln has
maintained itself as a green town.  Distributed housing, land maintenance,
environmental awareness and respect to natural life have been helpful to
accomplish the look and feel of the town.  Some of us have been attracted
to make the town our home.
It appears that Saturday's discussion has deeply divided the town.  I wish
to appeal to all to discuss further on the pros and cons of the proposed
paths.There should be reasoned discussion by the townspeople on the
following questions.
1. Do we try our best to maintain the town's look and feel or do we resign
    to let it decay?
2. Can development be achieved in a distributed manner and still be
3. If distributed housing is chosen, how must we modify the bylaws to
    accomplish new housing?
4. Is town center development a public concern or a private concern?
    If it is public, what process do we institute to let the public
Best regards,
Bijoy Misra
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