Here is one idea:
Apparently baseball bats to mailbox vandalism is a national problem 

The Ultimate Bat-Buster Mailbox 

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The Ultimate Bat-Buster Mailbox
He started with the Mail Boss - thats 40 pounds of electro-galvanized welded 
steel! Then, he used 1/2 flat iron to build a bat buster ring. The result: 
One BAD-ASS Mailbox!
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Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Sunday, December 10, 2023, 10:48 AM, Betty Green via Lincoln 
<> wrote:

We live on Old County nearby. This happened repeatedly in the months we had a 
mailbox in the nineties before changing over to a post office box.  Sadly it’s 
not an accident.  It’s a bat to the box game by local kids. Occasionally they 
get caught.  If you want to keep the mailbox try plastic!  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 10, 2023, at 8:42 AM, Leann Westin <> wrote:
> Hi Lincoln, 
> I live on Trapelo Road, and last night our mailbox was damaged for the second 
> time this year (the first time being in early September). We aren't sure if 
> these are accidents or not, so I was curious to know if other people noticed 
> that their mailboxes were damaged last night. 
> Leann
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