Hello, Lincoln Talkers -- Writing as a private citizen, to remind you that the 
Planning Board will meet with the HCA Working Group at 7 p.m. tomorrow evening 
to discuss issues related to rezoning under the HCA (building heights, 
percentage of commercial space to be required in South Lincoln, building 
setbacks, parking, additional building heights, etc.). Here's the link and the 
agenda: PLANNING BOARD MEETING w/Housing Choice Working Group DECEMBER 12, 2023 
7:00 pm via Zoom 
Meeting ID: 848 2897 4523; Passcode: 180064 Virtual meeting pursuant to 
Governor Healey’s signing of a supplemental budget bill which, among other 
things extended remote meeting authorization to March 31, 2025. This meeting of 
the Planning Board will be conducted via Zoom. Welcome and Call to Order 7:00 
PM Review Planning Board/Housing Choice Working Group Timeline and Schedule of 
Meetings  Confirm Community Forum dates.  Confirm Outreach plan. 7:15 PM 
Review of HCA Zoning Bylaw Draft  Open Issues: o Required percentage of 
commercial space in the Village Center District. o Special Permit process for 
flexibility re added height/stories/setbacks etc. o Additional guardrail – 
Building and Parking Coverage. Minutes  November 28, 2023 Minutes Whether you 
are a proponent or opponent of Option C, it's good to attend this and other 
meetings to understand how the zoning bylaws will be amended to accommodate 
higher density housing in the South Lincoln area at and around the Mall. Best 
to you all -- Deb Howe 88 Wells Road Sent from iCloud
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