Can we require the highest level of green construction and union labor?
As we are bundling all housing near the train to be eco-friendly and we are a social justice community, it seems the criteria noted above are critical.

I wonder if the Globe took a close look at what both Lexington and Brookline approved?
I suspect not as Lexington included many districts far away from town center.
And Brookline zoned for a low target number.
Also, they have not looked at Bedford or Concord…also taking advantage of existing density and more proposing more dispersed areas  for rezoning, and neither looking to exceed minimum.

The Globe has had some great reporting, but often not reporting all of the stories when that info  does not fit their narrative.

Sent from my iPad

On Dec 22, 2023, at 10:00 AM, Robert Ahlert <> wrote:

Hi all -

Sending out some screen shots.  This is the same article that heavily criticizes Milton for being exclusionary with its policies by the way. I am just trying to point out that whatever is built here,  will be expensive housing, especially in an HCA zone.  For example, if the RLF pursues a 'top-dollar' strategy for the Mall, that will drive up costs even further.  It's fine with me to have expensive housing but folks should know what they are signing up for.


It has a nice calculator which one can use to estimate rents based on 5 choices:
Where is the land? Do you use Union Labor? How much Parking? Green Energy? and lastly How much Affordable Housing?

See below based on my selections for a 170 unit building, I imagine costs would be even higher on 100 units due to loss of economies of scale ...



Robert Ahlert | 781.738.1069 |
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