I can agree with that Adam!
It would be great if presentations were also limited to 20 minutes.

Sarah Postlethwait

On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 4:56 PM Adam M Hogue <adam.m.ho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Another big suggestion would be move the recognition of people to the
> end.  Last town meeting we spent close to 2 hours patting people on the
> back.  Let’s get right to business and voting and then people can leave for
> the recognition because most people don’t care who the looker of the fence
> is or whatever award they give.
> *Adam M Hogue*
> *Cell: **(978) 828-6184 <(978)%20828-6184>*
> On Dec 22, 2023, at 4:49 PM, Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Let us explore what is legal and possible.
> It is not simply a matter of mechanics.
> Let’s fully examine and diagnose BEFORE we prescribe.
> The one thing could do immediately is to implement clicker ( anonymous )
> voting but leadership is reluctant to citing budget issues.
> I would put that at the top
> Of my list and make cuts to accommodate.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 20, 2023, at 8:57 AM, Virginia Goodwin <virginiahgood...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I believe the proposal is to vote after, not in advance. So any floor
> amendments would already have been established.
> In my mind, the pinnacle of "democracy" is the vote. Not floor amendments,
> not getting to speak your 2 minute pithy statement (which actually is quite
> limiting, because how many 2 minute statements can people really sit
> through? Very few individuals, in proportion to the total electorate, can
> even be heard in the open comment period). The vote is what gets counted,
> and ultimately what decides the issues. Therefore, we should not erect
> artificial barriers to allowing as many voters as possible to get their
> votes in.
> It's fine to have the open comment period, but we should expand access to
> the vote, so that it is not dependent upon physically being in the building
> at the exact right moment, which is not published in advance. Voting should
> be scheduled, across a range of times so that as many people as possible
> can all have their voices heard *in the way that gets counted*, even people
> who, through scheduling conflicts or physical limitations or whatever,
> can't physically be in the building all day.
> Virginia
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 9:44 AM Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> The point of Town Meeting format is to allow  binding amendments from the
>> floor ( you and me) and to hear oral arguments that may introduce new facts
>> and ideas.
>> While it might often seem all is already known - some may have a crystal
>> ball- I, for one, benefit from hearing good questions and others opinions.
>> Returning to the amendment- inviting any and all in directly shaping the
>> actual warrant, on the floor, during town meeting is an amazing democratic
>> offering.
>> How can you vote in advance if you don’t know what is being voted on?
>> This does not speak to how the meeting is conducted, only the importance
>> of being there.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Dec 20, 2023, at 9:08 AM, Adam M Hogue <adam.m.ho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Paul 100% agreed.  Also, especially in Lincoln things do not just appear
>> at town meeting we have dozens of meetings and forums before hand so if you
>> have a major opinion or want something changed those are the times to do
>> it.  This is why I support we vote as soon as possible or do ballot votes
>> we should come to town meeting having already flushed out the issues.
>> *Adam M Hogue*
>> *Cell: **(978) 828-6184 <(978)%20828-6184>*
>> On Dec 20, 2023, at 8:53 AM, Paul Rice via Lincoln <
>> lincoln@lincolntalk.org> wrote:
>> The 2 minute limit for speakers at town meeting has raised some
>> questions.
>> I’m not part of the group that governs town meetings but have run
>> meetings many times in the past so let me try to explain the reason for
>> limiting speakers time at meetings.
>> In the 80s I attended all town meetings, early morning until early
>> evening, coming back on a weeknight because we didn’t finish. People would
>> stand and speak for 10 minutes or more often totally off subject so most
>> people would give up and just call the vote so they could go home or leave
>> before the vote.
>> At this meeting I counted 20+ people at the mikes in the auditorium, also
>> some more were in the gym. At 2 minutes giving some time between speakers
>> this would take close to an hour. At 3 minutes it could be 1 1/2 hours. If
>> we are to accomplish the town’s business it important that the meeting
>> proceeds at a reasonable rate so people stay and vote.
>> If you are familiar with the warrant article prior to attending the
>> meeting it should be possible to prepare a statement that is short, clear
>> and takes only 2 minutes.
>> If you have major points to make you should consider asking for a place
>> on the agenda to present a rebuttal.
>> Sorry this ran so long, I usually try to keep things short and to the
>> point.
>> Paul Rice
>> --
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