This week is Walk Bike Roll to School week for the students at Lincoln School. So that the adults in Lincoln don’t feel left out, the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is offering Walk Bike Roll FAQs week for adults; all you have to do to participate is read the daily message sent to LincolnTalk. Thank you for following along this week! Today’s message is the last. We hope everyone enjoyed the experience and will continue to walk, bike, and roll in the weeks to come!
Day 5: Q: Can I ride a bike on the roadside paths (sidewalks) in Lincoln? A: Yes, bicycles are allowed on all roadside paths in Lincoln. (MGL Chapter 85 Section 11B <> ) Q: Are there laws about bikers passing pedestrians? A: Yes, bicyclists must yield to pedestrians and must give an audible signal before overtaking and passing a pedestrian. (MGL Chapter 85 Section 11B <> ) Q: Are there laws about drivers passing pedestrians or bikers? A: Yes, drivers must stay at least 4 feet to the left of pedestrians and bikers when passing. If a 4 foot pass is not possible, the motorist must slow down and wait behind the pedestrian or biker until it is. . (MGL Chapter 90, Section 14 <> )
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