Good Morning LT!
Codman Community Farms needs help planting edamame tomorrow from 10-12 - even 
an hour would be helpful. You know the saying, many hands make light work - any 
help is appreciated!
Sign-up if you have an hour or two to spare,
Email with any questions,
Thank you in advance for your continued support!Abby

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

On Friday, May 17, 2024, 7:07 AM, Abigail Adams <> 

Good Morning LT!
Codman Community Farms needs help planting edamame tomorrow from 10-12 - even 
an hour would be helpful. You know the saying, many hands make light work - any 
help is appreciated!
Sign-up if you have an hour or two to spare, CchuWui96L4iHSBK9
Email with any questions,
Thank you in advance for your continued support!Abby

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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