First Parish in Lincoln is hosting international Buddhist teacher, Shantum 
Seth. We hope you’ll join us!

Walk with Me: International Buddhist Teacher Shares a Vision of Peace
Tuesday, May 21 at 7pm
4 Bedford Road

Shantum Seth was ordained as a Dharmacharya (Dharma Teacher) by the renowned 
Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) in 2001. He teaches in India and across the 
world, and leads pilgrimages, called ‘In the Footsteps of the Buddha’ and other 
multi-faith and transformative journeys.<,1,phG_lYhMRgxKhFLEJFlh3O_4dZLLAmK2o2ft1OE9S6GpuYAXrgR2gEzdqi3YCsvvinv-DrNP0Hdw6niNBXD-so8TeHZokwZFWXGgan3FRA,,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
 Shantum is actively involved in social, environmental and educational 
programs, including cultivating Mindfulness in Society with educators, law 
enforcement, and socially-responsible corporations.<,1,YUNam04Ju98eWqOeO_v_9k_gt0NYuA8bikQKi3G8BVQZW3oIhXoZw5adBdGzwFXtflp4mK_Fz_taVKKUXoaQx0L7ZcatfzRuEfi8HgWW2OpLHa49FH9c&typo=1&ancr_add=1>

Thay is a world-acclaimed peace activist who was nominated by Dr. Martin Luther 
King for the Nobel Prize for his unwavering commitment to peace in the face of 
the Vietnam War.  Thay’s vision of engaged social activism, coupled with a 
Buddhist understanding of interdependence (interbeing), was the foundation for 
his life-long work to foster global community, based upon deep listening, 
understanding, and love.<>

Shantum Seth will speak about “The Path of the Buddha… Peace in Oneself, Peace 
in the World”.  He will lead a guided meditation in Thay’s tradition, share his 
experiences walking with Thay in the footsteps of the Buddha, and then discuss 
a new community to realize Thay’s vision in India: Plum Village II.

Everyone is welcome.

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