Hi, Lincoln Talkers —

Writing in as a private citizen to let you know the Planning Board will hold a hybrid meeting tonight (Tuesday, 5/28) at 7 pm. The meeting agenda includes items on a possible tree protection bylaw and a possible lighting bylaw, and the Board will entertain comment on issues from its last meeting. 

At that meeting, the Planning Director and Board suggested that since Lincoln is different from Newton, Wellesley, and Cambridge, which have all developed tree protection bylaws, Lincoln may not need such a bylaw. At the very least, It was proposed that the Conservation Department assume responsibility for further exploration of the idea. 

Several towns have adopted tree protection bylaws of differing stringencies, according to the intensity of development in a given community. Concord has a pretty straightforward one, developed to preserve some mature tree cover on a property when that property is purchased for redevelopment. The town of Westford, a pretty green and rural community, last year commissioned a nicely comprehensive study of its own tree-related bylaws, as it has recently seen quite a bit of development in places, that has changed the rural character of those places. 

To my mind — and here this note shifts toward opinion and not a simple notification, so read on at your own risk — at the very least Lincoln would do well to look more closely at the implications and benefits of tree protections, especially with development now coming to South Lincoln. Westford’s study (https://westfordma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/13207/Westford-Tree-Plan-Regulatory-Review-FINAL-2023-0612-Cover ) might serve as a useful model for real due diligence on the issue, whether sponsored by the Planning or Conservation Department. It might even be worth the Town’s commissioning an actual professional study of its own.

Anyway, the Planning Board Zoom link for tonight’s 7 pm meeting is here:
Best to you all ~

Deb Howe
88 Wells Road

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