
Are you ready for some softball? Spread the word!  It's that time of year
again to break out the gloves and bats and hit the diamond.

The season is about to start and we would love to have you join us.
Lincoln Co-Ed softball is a not-too-competitive league that allows modified
rules to enhance player safety, while maintaining the integrity of the

Our Mission Statement is to provide players with a rewarding experience
amongst neighbors where the only thing that is mandatory is stretching
before games.

Each team will play 1 or 2 times a week through the end of July.  *No
experience needed, Ages 16 and up.  *

We currently have four veteran teams that would love to have you aboard.
You can pick one when you register, or we can assign you.  And don't worry
if you can't make every game, we understand that life comes first.

Join us!

The League is a great way to make friends, get some exercise, and give back
to the community by sharing your athletic prowess on the diamond.  Post
game bragging rights at The Tack Room is optional.


If you have any questions, please email the league at the address below.

League eMail <>


Travis Roland
Lincoln Co-Ed Softball League

*Lincoln Softball is great because it keeps the parents off the
streets.... *
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