My relatives recently did this tour of Chinatown and raved about it. We have lived in the area all our lives but the tour guide was chock full of facts not known to them. It is a walking tour but Chinatown is not very big.

Judy Wong
Sent from my iPad

On Jun 16, 2024, at 6:50 PM, Sara Mattes <> wrote:

I am not sure there is much in the way of decent bus tours.
Duck Tours are fun, but incredibly historically inaccurate.
The Freedom Trail NPS tours are good, but involve walking on hills.
If you select certain sites, you can mitigate walking-African Meeting House, the BPL (fabulous, undiscovered gem), Old Norht Church and Paul Revere House all offer good and accurate tours, with fascinating glimpse into specific periods.

Consider Concord and the walking tours out of the Visitors Center + Robbins House.
Plus the Concord Museum, the Old Manse, Old North Bridge, Emerson House and Orchard (Alcott) House…all tell great stores and don’t involve much walking.

In Lincoln, don’t miss Codman and Gropius House and, of course, the MMNHP Visitors Center.

Lots to do and see!

We are an embarrassment of riches.


On Jun 16, 2024, at 1:00 PM, Nicholas Ribush <> wrote:

Dear All,

We have a couple of overseas visitors coming for a few days later this week. They'd like to do some kind of bus tour of historic Boston.

Any suggestions?

Thank you,


Dr. Nicholas Ribush
6 Goose Pond Rd.
Lincoln MA 01773
(617) 877-1610
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