Hanscom Field Advisory Commission
Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 7-8 p.m.
Location: Zoom video platform

Meeting: 956 2175 4230 Passcode: 194503 Ph: (646) 876 9923

Pursuant to current state law, this meeting of the Hanscom Field Advisory 
Commission is being conducted via remote participation. Persons who would like 
to listen or view this meeting while in progress may do so by Zoom or by phone. 
All votes taken by this body shall be by roll call vote.

Call to order
Senate environmental bill
Is there information about future scheduled passenger or air cargo service?
Approval of previous minutes
ESPR Comments
Recent noise reports, presented by Massport
Capital projects, third-party development report, presented by Massport 
Website Progress
Electric fuel flowage fees
Fuel flowage fees for 2023, 2022
Unleaded AvGas G100UL 
March 26 spill
North Airfield
Request to disqualify proponents
WEBSITE / G100UL / PFAS / LEAD / ALS/MS Bedford Study
Boeing news of the month
Citizen comments
Use *6 to mute or unmute on a phone. Please limit comments to two minutes.
Next meeting September 17, 2024 - no August meeting
There is also a DRAFT of a letter that I am proposing to send to Massport, if 
the commission makes that decision.


June 27, 2024
Massachusetts Port Authority
One Harborside Drive, Suite 200S
East Boston, MA 02128

Dear Massport,

The Hanscom Field Advisory Commission suggests that Massport should disqualify 
Runway Reality Ventures (RRV) and North Airfield Ventures (NAV) from further 
consideration as lessees at Hanscom Airport.  The Draft Environmental Impact 
Report has been found “not adequate” by the Massachusetts Environmental Policy 
Office (MEPA) and there are numerous issues with the document and process 
followed by RRV/NAV that call into question their technical ability and 
integrity as operators of safety critical aviation infrastructure.

The proponents of this project have experience as car salesmen, bankers and in 
development of biotech real estate, none of which provide any background in 
aviation. They can hire consultants to prepare reports but ultimately decisions 
in the development and operation of this project are made by the management 
team. Their background, the ENF and DEIR documents, and their behavior during 
the process do not support a conclusion that they are qualified for this 

From the recent MEPA certificate finding the DEIR not adequate, I call your 
attention to the following comments:

“This puts into question the purpose and need for the project, and, again, 
raises questions about the extent of new demand the project will, or is 
intended to, induce to support business profitability.”

In other words, the truth of the developer’s claims can be questioned.

“The Certificate on the ENF recommended that the Proponent consult with 
MassDEP, EPA, the Air Force and the Navy regarding the status of monitoring and 
remediation efforts and any constraints on land use, site design and/or 
construction practices that may be necessary; however, it does not appear that 
the appropriate coordination with these agencies has been undertaken to date.”

The developer’s simply ignored suggestions to consult with relevant agencies.

“The SDEIR should provide a straight-forward calculation of emissions and air 
pollutants associated with the anticipated 12 flights per day, in addition to 
any more flights that are projected based on a study of induced demand.”

The DEIR presentation uses twisted logic. The developers are very smart people, 
this is not an accident and amounts to dishonesty.

Furthermore, the original ENF document was filed with a very short comment 
period that made it impossible for HFAC to review and comment on the ENF during 
our normal operations, suggesting the developers were trying to avoid public 
scrutiny. This impression is further supported by their sudden cancellation of 
the May 30, 2024 public meeting citing “safety concerns” while the Bedford 
police cited no safety concerns.

The North Airfield proponents RRV/NAV  do not have a management team with the 
technical capability to understand and manage safety critical aviation 
infrastructure. Their ability to hire consultants does not mitigate ignorance 
by the management team who are ultimately responsible for decisions that could 
affect life and death. Moreover, their false and deceptive statements create 
the appearance of dishonesty, leading to the conclusion that this team does not 
have the integrity required to be a partner of Massport.  Aviation is a highly 
regulated industry for good reason. The RRV/NAV team has shown that they cannot 
follow clear scoping guidelines given by MEPA for the preparation of their 
DEIR; how can they be expected to rigorously follow safety critical procedures 
for management of aircraft and fuel storage?

We ask you to disqualify RRV/NAV from further consideration as lessees of 
Hanscom Airport property.

Sincerely yours,

Christopher Eliot

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