As noted here recently by Roy Harvey, a conference committee is meeting to
negotiate a single joint climate bill, after the MA House and Senate each
passed separate differing bills. There are some stark differences, the
stakes are high, and as usual the secret negotiations are
happening through the last minute. Specifically, they must produce a
conference bill by Tuesday, in order for both the House and Senate to vote
to pass it on Wednesday, the last day of the two-year legislative session.

The high stakes include whether or not the final bill will include
provisions to stop the expansion of the piped gas system and redirect our
utility companies to providing heating in other ways. That's our biggest
source of climate-harming emissions, so this would be a big XXXing deal.

We will leave around noon, park under Boston Common, and join a bunch of
other people in the Statehouse by 1 pm. Then we will have fun singing and
chanting loudly for about 45 minutes in "Nurses Hall", where the acoustics
are impressive. Wear blue and bring a small umbrella (extreme weather from
climate change, get it?) I've done it twice so far this week - it's fun,
it's perfectly legal, and we believe it helps to thus reinforce the
messages that have also been communicated through more traditional means
(emails, phone calls, etc.)

Next steps:
Contact me directly if you might be interested in going Monday (or today,
leaving Lincoln about 11:30; or next Tuesday).

- Paul Shorb
Cell 339-213-2174.
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