Hello LincolnTalk,
Have you wanted to have chickens?  We took in chickens over the winter from a 
colleague moving suddenly.  Simply said chicken math happened, we really would 
like to have less chickens.  Hens have slowed down laying due to the recent 
heat, they are 2-3 years old.  Healthy active chickens who love to forage if 
given the chance.  Breeds are black jersey giants (they are not giant), 
chantecler mix (buff), campine (I think), and a few others.  These girls are 
comical and will keep ticks and bugs under control for you.  
We also have some 10 week old silkie mix bantam chicks.  All the silky mix 
chickens have feathered feet, their feet are gentle on gardens.  They do need 
protection from aviary predators, they are unable to see them with their floofy 
If you are looking to add to your flock or start with chickens let me know!  We 
are looking to return our flock to a more reasonable size before fall.  
Heather Ringpronouns: she/her/hers
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