> While you are looking at tiger, can you confirm that the safari/ > shockwave 3d offset bug is still present in Safari 2.0 under tiger?
Yes, and what's worse is that it seems to be even more exagerated than before. Ugh... :( We've been in recent contact with Apple regarding this (we've pushed before and we're trying it again), but I'm now coming 'round to the opinion that if Apple won't fix it we should investigate doing that ourselves (_no_guarantees_! investigating <> doing) then dealing with their fix if/when it occurs. Cheers, Tom Higgins - Technical Product Manager Macromedia Director and the Shockwave Player http://www.markme.com/thiggins/ [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to http://www.penworks.com/lingo-l.cgi To post messages to the list, email lingo-l@penworks.com (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]