hi list.

sorry for the dispear-mial,
i just found a solution, but still don't understand the problem because:

- yes the script is a parent-script
- the on new handler isn't called anywhere.
- i erase/void all objects on stopmovie (and parentscripts have a destroy-handler, so that they clear-up there mess when the movie stops) and i make sure all globals are cleared.
- i'm  not using a lingo.ini file

the workaround is the following;

i had copied a number of scripts (castmembers) from one running director instance to the other and apprearantly something strange happened there.

when i first copy the text of the script from one instance to a text-editor (e.g. textEdit or BBEdit), and then copy the text from the text editor into a new (empty) script in the other, everyting goes ok.

this is probably a bug related to the mac-clipboard and director ?

or maybe i'm just not supposed to run two copies of director on the same mac, and copy stuff back and forth between them?

thanks for all feedabck

On 01 jun 2005, at 02:39, arjen wrote:

...while the startmovie handler isn't even been called yet?

i've got about a dozen scripts, with a central parent script taking care of the rest of the branche, but somehow one of the scripts gets instantiated even before the startmovie-handler is called.

i'm stuck in a situation where this script already starts complaining about not being able to find a certain object, while the other parentscript that is supposed to instantiate the complaining script isn't even instantiated yet.

it's even so mad, that the debugger never even reaches the breakpoint i put on the very first line of the startmovie-handler.. as if this script already gets called before anything else happened. i tried to change the startmovie in preparemovie handler, but same results.

it stops when i comment-out the 'on new' handler of that script.. or if i completely delete the script from the cast. but ofcourse this also disables me from instatiating it..

this is actually driving me insane...

did anyone ever had similair experiences?

or better; does anyone know a solution?


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