
> I see that it is the player that is the problem and not the engine. I 
> definitely noticed a difference between the player used in the
> development environment and the player in a browser: if I remember
> one of them was key events and text manipulation that appear to
> behave differently.

Yes, things like system event handling and whatnot will be a bit
different in Shockwave as we are a loaded plug-in and must receive some
events of that nature from the browser application (the browser gives
focus for example, if you're typing in a form field in the HTML that
field has focus and not the Shockwave movie). This is obviously
different in Director and our projectors as in those cases we're the
application ourselves and not a hosted plug-in.

> So if you have an activity driven by the mouse in shockwave, it will
> continue playing (using CPU cycles) even if there is a top window
> over shockwave.

Yup, for some events we're constantly tracking that information (mouse
locations for example), it's in the case of input events that things get
different (key events are the obvious biggie).

> The only thing I could do was to deactivate the action when the mouse
> events when outside the window that is when mousemember is null.
>   theCursor = the mouseMember
>    if (NOT voidP(theCursor)) then
>          doActivity
> But the problem remains when the mouse is in the area of the 
> shockwave piece but inside a different window.

If you're relying on Shockwave Player version 10, and your
scriptExecutionStyle property is set to 10 (the default value for movies
authored in MX'04) then your Shockwave content will get activateWindow
and deactivateWindow events and you can enable/disable using that. For
example, if I have a DCR in window "A", and then I open browser window
"B" such that it gets focus, the movie in window "A" will get a
deactivateWindow event and thus allow you to disable rollovers and the
like as you are hoping to do. Unfortunately this is not an option in
prior players IIRC. Someone want to help refresh my failing Friday
afternoon memory, does Shockwave 8.5 offer activateWindow and
deactivateWindow events to DCRs in the browser? I don't recall so and
I'm a bit busy (and lazy) to go through a reinstall of SW8.5 at the

Tom Higgins - Technical Product Manager
Macromedia Director and the Shockwave Player


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