At 9:10 AM -0700 10/21/05, you wrote:

 of course one might ask ... "Why isn't this the default setting?"
 (multi-instance is certainly the non-standard usage for Projectors
 AND for Auth)

It's tough, which way is best to have it the default?

perhaps the way that is used most often (& that which doesn't waste system resources)? :)

Given your post
and then Daniel's that came after it's obvious that one setting or the
other will always leave someone feeling less than pleased, so...

please see my previous response to Daniel's ideas.

my logic has to do with this definition of 'default':

"A situation or condition that obtains in the absence of active intervention."

 > & an ECR was entered eons ago ... (directly into the Director
 internal bugbase)

 Tom, could you tell us it's status?  (if it's still to be
 found of course)

While I couldn't find a particular record associated with this issue in
my quick search I don't know that I need to, peep this:

1. Launch Director MX 2004
2. Open a new movie for editing
3. Go to File > Publish Settings...
4. Clik on the Projector tab
5. Change any settings you like (including single instance)
6. Click that lil' button that says "Save as Defaults"

Done! Now *you* can choose your default setting for this option and any
others. ;) Have at it!

Tom Higgins - Technical Product Manager
Macromedia Director and the Shockwave Player

Thanks Tom - this is a good improvement over editing the INI.

& of course Director Auth would still behave multi-instance, so double-clicked .DIRs still open N copies of Auth, right?

Sorry for the nudging - it's this kid of MS Windows dumbage that bothers people raised on Macs.

- & of course overall, it is a small Director issue.

thanks again, Tom

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