Below is a handler utilizing buddyAPI that opens pdfs to a specific
spot, so long as your audience has Acrobat version 6, which is the
minimum version that handles opening parameters.  Hopefully it will work
for you.

- MM 

on mOpenPDFwithParams(me, whichOne, theFolder, openingParams)
  -- USAGE (Acrobat version >= 6):
gTools.mOpenOperatingStandards("thePdf", " /A page=137 ")
  thePath = string(pData.pMoviePath & "articles" & pData.pDelim &
theFolder & pData.pDelim & whichOne) -- my path to a PDF
  sprite(pData.pSprites.pMenu).menuMember = member("theLogoMenu",
"assets") -- reset to the info member
    thePath = baShortFileName(thePath)
    if thePath <> "" then -- found this pdf doc, so open it
        theApp = baShortFileName(baFindApp("pdf"))
        theAppString = theApp & openingParams & thePath-- openingParams
must be surrounded by spaces, possibly within its quotes!
        -- open theAppString
        theResult = baRunProgram(theAppString, "Normal", FALSE)
        if theResult < 32 then
          baMsgBox(string("Error Code" && theResult & ".  Document
failed to open."), "Error", "OK", "Stop", 1)
        end if
    else -- pdf doc doesn't exist, so alert and leave
      baMsgBox("It appears that you don't have Acrobat on your
computer.", "Open error!", "OK", "Stop", 1)
    end if

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