Hi everybody. I have a question about 3d behaviours

First of all I have created a new Shockwave3D member and have dragged
onto my score. It is sprite(1)

Next I basically read in via BinaryIO lots of face/mesh data.

And then create my own model in the the 3d object

meshRes = Scene.newmesh("testscene", NumFaces, NumVertices, 0, 0, 0)

Now that all works fine.

What I am stuck with is when I try to add standard 3d behaviours, well
they get loads of errors when I run the project

I am thinking that because I load all my own models in etc, is this in
some way blanking part/all of my behavour that I previously added?

Ie the initialise function in the behaviour does

pCamera = pSprite.camera --fine a put says this is valid

Then later it tries to rotate

pCamera.rotate(0, tPanAmount, 0)  -- error says object deleted

Some debug says pCamera is now VOID!

Am I missing something here or do behaviours purely only work for
imported Shockwave3D fiels and not Shockwave3D files created in Lingo..

Thank you in advance...alan

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