Darren and others, > On a side note Tom, how do I get on the director beta testing > list. I've been submitted for the past five years, are there > certain criteria.
Well, I'm going to admit that as of today I'm not clear on what the "official" process for doing this will be under Adobe. Under Macromedia there was actually a form you could fill out that allowed you to express interest in being a beta tester for any of our products, that information would then be fed to each team when requested so they could use it to fill out their beta program. I'm not sure whether that process will be the same or wildly different under Adobe as I'm still learning how they handle things across the board (just got out of my _3_hour_ HR orientation meeting :/ ) so it may take some time to get specific information here. Now, all that having been said, the other way you can get on to one of our beta programs (Director or otherwise) is to have an "in" with someone on the team that nomiates you in specific. To that end I keep a running list of folks that have expressed to me directly their interest to participate in our beta programs and then from that list I tend to offer up suggested candidates. Please understand that just because someone emails me and asks to participate that does not guarantee that you will be selected for the beta program! That having been said, there does tend to be a very high transfer rate from my personal list on to the actual beta list. ;) In the end we must make sure that our beta programs are properly populated with a range of users and developer types, and that must come within a manageable group size thus we cannot necessarily include all interested parties. My point? If you're interested in being a beta site then another route is to contact me directly and make the case for your inclusion. From there I'll see about including folks that have done that when the time comes. But even in this case you must remember that procedures, policies and how our beta programs are going to be managed and run is all changing as we congeal into a solid single company, that means what I used to do may not continue to happen or it may continue to happen but in a different flavor. So feel free to drop me a line if you feel that you're a worthy beta site candidate until such a time as I can reference a more formal and official process. If you do so then please keep in mind a few important tips: 1. Don't just brag about how good you are or how worthy you would be, give me content links, point me to items you've worked on, show me the type of content you've either developed yourself or that you've contributed to. If you can't point to specific content examples then please explain the types of work you are or have been involved in. 2. Please provide some insight into the full scope of work you do and the technologies involved. For example, if you do a lot of work with client-server communication then note that. Or perhaps you do lots of work with a particular media type (you tend to be very digital video intensive, or 3D focused, or ???), that type of information is important as well. Otherwise just be sure to list the other products and technologies you're involved in as those may be important during a future development cycle and thus add to your perceived "value" in the program. As I said, there is likely to be a more formal process going forward, it's just that I don't know what that is or what it will look like so in the meantime you can drop me a line direct instead: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Note: you can continue to send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and it should eventually be forwarded on to me, but ultimately it's far preferred (and your best bet) to start contacting me using my new Adobe email address, thanks. Cheers, Tom Higgins Product Manager | Director & the Shockwave Player Adobe Systems Incorporated ................................................. [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to http://www.penworks.com/lingo-l.cgi To post messages to the list, email lingo-l@penworks.com (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]