> I'm just a bit flabbergasted that this is the way we have to compare > symbols in js syntax. It would be nice if, in the next version, js > syntax viewed the # as a *legal* character, since it's such a > huge part of every script. A good wish list item, I suppose.
Unfortunately we didn't want to go that route as it involved getting too deep into the SpiderMonkey engine than we preferred during the MX'04 dev cycle. The # character is simply not allowed by the compiler and introducing flat-data support for symbols like there is in Lingo was just too much for that release, thus symbols are supported in JS as objects, thus this problem (so please note that this issue is true for ALL object data types, including lists, vectors, images, etc. - attempts to compare object data using == will always fail unlike Lingo). Cheers, Tom Higgins | Product Manager | Director & the Shockwave Player Adobe Systems Incorporated http://weblogs.macromedia.com/thiggins/ ... [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to http://www.penworks.com/lingo-l.cgi To post messages to the list, email lingo-l@penworks.com (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]