Hi list...

I'm working on a handler for a window with a maximize button where
clicking it stretches out the rect and drawRect of the MIAW to fit the
screen.  It works, but it's really choppy.  Is there anything I can do
to the math here that will help to smooth out my transition?

- Michael M.

on resizeMIAW()
  gData.pViewPref = not gData.pViewPref -- boolean, toggles in normal
size or full screen
  case gData.pViewPref of
      -- make sure maximized projector's drawrect is same aspect ratio
as original 800x600 (1.333:1)
         -- values on next line are based on baScreenInfo("width" and
      if gData.pScreenInfo.pWidth <= gData.pScreenInfo.pHeight then
                -- not done yet
        startValue = gData.pScreenInfo.pHeight
        repeat with newHeight = startValue down to 1
          newWidth = integer(newHeight * 1.333) -- 1.333 is aspect ratio
of the stage           
          if (newWidth < gData.pScreenInfo.pWidth) then exit repeat
        end repeat
        -- stretch as full screen as possible
        coeff = 1.4
        repeat with incrementHeight = (the stage).rect.height to
newHeight--(the stage).rect.height to newHeight
          incrementWidth = integer(incrementHeight * 1.333)
          theL = integer(float(gData.pScreenInfo.pWidth -
          theT = integer(float(gData.pScreenInfo.pHeight -
          theR = integer((float(gData.pScreenInfo.pWidth -
incrementWidth)/2) + incrementWidth)
          theB = integer((float(gData.pScreenInfo.pHeight -
incrementHeight)/2) + incrementHeight)
          (the stage).rect = rect(theL, theT, theR, theB)
          (the stage).drawRect = rect(0,0,(the stage).rect.width, (the
          incrementHeight = incrementHeight * coeff
          coeff = coeff * .9
          if (incrementHeight > newHeight) then
            incrementHeight = newHeight
          end if
        end repeat          
      end if
      -- end if
      nothing -- yet
  end case

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