
Thanks for your thoughts.

From: "Mentor, Kraig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I did something similar on a past project. Maybe some variant will work
for you. In my case the user did not have access to the keyboard. I
purchased a simple motion detector. I placed the contact relay output
from it across the contacts for a key on the keyboard. When the user was
within range, or when they left, a key event would fire. You could do
something similar with some sort of input to a port.

We need keyboard access - but motion or pressure sensor input is a good idea!


3 choices if you want to do it on a time basis; javascript setTimeout, flash getURL or Lingo gotonetpage....

If possible, doing it based on inactivity rather than a set period of time would be better. We've done some tests and parent frame javascript can't detect mouse etc events in a sub-frame which kinda rules out that approach.

The Opera browser claims to have a timeout function in its kiosk mode which looks promising.

Once again thanks for your support.



David Pyle (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
0407 047 900 (mob) 07 3004 7900 (wk) 07 3846 1220 (fax)
snail to: PO Box 3015 Sth Brisbane QLD 4101

 The TV business is a cruel and shallow money trench,
 a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free
 and good men die like dogs.
                                     - Hunter S Thompson
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