At 09:53 -0500 02/06/2002, Bill Numerick wrote:

>Hey All,
>Can I use getAt or getOne to get the value inside of a list that's 
>inside of another list?
>[[#name:Bob], [#name:Heather]]
>and lets say I wanted to find a name with the value of Heather using 
>getAt/getOne can I do that?  If so how? :)

Try this:

   on FindSubList lMainList, yHandle, sTarget
     repeat with lSubItem in lMainList
       if lSubItem[yHandle] = sTarget then
         return lSubItem
       end if
     end repeat
     return [ #null, "Not found" ]
   END FindSubList

You'd use it like this:

   lFoundList = FindSubList ( [[#name:"Bob"], [#name:"Heather"]], 
#name, "Heather" )

It would return the list containing that name. If the item wasn't 
found you'd get the final #null return instead.

There are variations; for instance if you don't know the property 
handle associated with your variable, or have multiple items in the 
sublist, you can just not pass the handle variable and do a test of 
each item in the sublist.

Does that help, or have I just muddied the waters? ;)


              Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
        Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
                    Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

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