> I would like to load text from external text files into Director
> [shockwave]at runtime. This is fine, but the problem is that the text
> can be in different languages like Spanish, German, Japenese
> etc.Further the language could be Eastern [double-byte] or western
> [single-byte].
> I would like to know does Director support different languages and if
> yes,could you please explain me the implementation process in brief.
Yes, Director supports the different languages, with some catches.

Western European languages like German and Spanish should be little
problem. The characters (umlauted, accented, etc.) are all there in the
standard ANSI character set. Letters that aren't used in English are
typically in the range of 128-255.

You'll have to do a conversion table for the Mac, because some of the
high ANSI characters have different codes--Mac doesn't adhere to the
ANSI or ISO 8859 standard.

For Japanese, Korean, and Chinese (the only "double-byte"
languages--people often mistakenly think Russian or Greek are
double-byte), it's best to build the file on Japanese Director, running
under the relevant OS. I.e., Japanese Director on Chinese windows for
your Chinese version.


Kerry Thompson
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