At 05:00 +1100 02/26/2002, Perry wrote:

>Thanks for that info, Kurt. I've just started using Director again after a 2
>year lay-off. Putting () after function calls is one of the things I've
>forgotten. Hmm. I feel like a newbie all over again. Scary stuff.

Well, you know there's this yahoo from the states what wrote a 
beginner's guide a while back, howdy sumthin', I think he's got a 
mmail list and everything about Director, maybe his book might be 
worth a read for brush-up purposes?

Just a pluggin' shamelessly.


              Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
        Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
                    Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

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