
>Thank you for your reply.. If i have only one marker then i can
>use the script u v suggested.. But i have totally 150 markers in
>my movie.. please suggest what should i do now.
>On Sat, 02 Mar 2002 Andreas Gaunitz P11 wrote :
>>>I have a problem.. I have a text member in my cast and i want to
>>>know whether the member is used in score or not. If it is used..
>>>in which frame it is used.
>>>Yah yah i know that using the 'Find in score' menu option we can
>>>know that in authoring mode.. But i want to know whether the
>>>member is used or not in runmode.

As I was searching through the archives of Direct-l over the weekend  for a 
solution to a problem I had encountered, I discovered this thread. 
Apparently, someone had a similar question last year.

I’ve copied it out below:

At 12:45 PM 13/12/2001 +0900, Bryan Ax wrote:
>Director has a built in way to find all cast members in a particular >cast
>NOT used in the score, but I can't find a way to quickly find all >members
>that ARE used in the score. Anyone have a utility they've written to 
> >quickly
>do this, rather than having to click "find in score" for each member.

Hi Bryan,

    Here's a modified version that returns a property list of casts,
and the members found within the score. - Guy


-- Display a list of all the members assigned in the score between
-- channels 8 - 12
put FindScoreMembers( 8, 12 )

-- Find all cast members assigned in the score,
-- and return as a property list of casts.
-- created by Guy McLoughlin  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
-- ver 1.10
-- December 12, 2001

on FindScoreMembers pFirstChannel, pLastChannel

  if integerP( pFirstChannel ) AND integerP( pLastChannel ) then
    CastList = [:]
    LF = the lastFrame
    the upDateLock = TRUE
    repeat with i = 1 to LF
      go frame(i)
      repeat with j = pFirstChannel to pLastChannel
        if ( sprite(j).type <> 0 ) then
          MBR = sprite(j).member
          CLIB = symbol( "Cast_" & MBR.castLibNum )
          CastFound = CastList.findPos( CLIB )
          if CastFound then
            MemberFound = CastList[CLIB].findPos( MBR )
            if NOT MemberFound then
              CastList[CLIB].add( MBR )
            end if
            CastList.addProp( CLIB, [] )
            CastList[CLIB].add( MBR )
          end if
        end if
      end repeat
    end repeat
    the upDateLock = FALSE
    return CastList
  end if

end FindScoreMembers


Hope this is helpful.


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