At 15:16 +0000 03/05/2002, Nmuta Jones wrote:

>But I have read on this list, and in a few books, about Flash 
>bringing Director to a "crawl", so I have only been integrating 
>small Flash stuff like buttons. I wonder what can MX promise us in 
>this area.

That's actually a very subjective assessment. DTS Flash on a 
reasonably fast machine in no way reduces Director to a "crawl", at 
least not to me. Now if you put non-DTS Flash, plus video, plus a 3D 
sprite, plus #text on the stage at one time, yes, you can expect 

Have you personally seen Director take a serious performance hit 
because of Flash you've added? Bear in mind that your idea of 
"performance hit" might be very different from my idea of 
"performance hit" -- what you see as intolerably slow i might see as 
more or less acceptable.

It might not hurt to try a few tests yourself and see what happens 
with FL5; could be what you see is tolerable to you. Meanwhile 
according to MACR the Flash6 Xtra is ideally going to be available 
within 90 days of the FL6 ship, so we might not have long to wait for 
performance tests.


              Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
        Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
                    Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

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