>I went to the Macromedia MX seminar this week (very impressed with MX) and >was slightly surprised to only hear two Director related questions
That's interesting--the only person who asked a Director-related question at the demo I went to was me. My gut feeling is that there are a lot of Director users who incorporate Flash, but not a lot of Flash users who migrate to Director. Could be wrong--I'd be interested to hear otherwise. >My question was regarding Flash slowing Director up and if this had been >resolved Brian did a right nice job of answering that, so I'll approach it from another angle. Flash doesn't have to slow Director down. There are a number of techniques you can use: - Dont use too many Flash sprites. Right now, each Flash sprite launches an instance of the Flash Asset Xtra, which chews up memory, and indirectly slows Director. - Use the #static property when the sprite isn't doing anything. - Make your Flash dts - Don't do lockstep - To improve the Flash sprite's performance, slow the Director frame rate down to 4 fps Cordially, Kerry Thompson [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to http://www.penworks.com/lingo-l.cgi To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]