Hey Howdy,

I thought you were an ignorant, silly, stupid mac-user. How come you
know PC-stuff?? Surprise



Howdy-Tzi wrote:
> At 09:11 -0800 04/03/2002, Umed Zokirov wrote:
> >I used MicroAngelo to change it is icon, however when I save
> >it it changes an icon, but the projector size reduces to 44 kb and
> >it can't be run.
> Yeah, what's happened there likely is Microangelo wrote out the icon
> file with the name "projector.exe" or whatever. You jsut wanted to
> change the icon, not replace the actual program with a graphic. ;)
> Alongside the Director program on the Windows system there should be
> a file called "Projec32.skl". That's one of the things that gets
> wrapped up into the projector when it's made, and I believe it's
> where the projector icons reside. Try duplicating that (as a backup
> copy) and then modifying the 'Projec32.skl' file insted. Then create
> a projector.
> Note you will have to open the file in Microangelo to alter it, of course. ;)
> Alternately you may be able to open just the projector you've made in
> Microangelo to change it, but it has been a while since I've done
> anything like that.
> --
>               Warren Ockrassa | http://www.nightwares.com/
>   Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
>         Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
>                     Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
>           http://www.osborne.com/indexes/beginners_guides.shtml
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