"Justin Olmanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> Go through Brennan Young's "Invadirs" game tutorial. Stop when you get lost 
> and finish the project as best you can. Revisit the tutorial very two to 
> three months making a new game each time (noting your progress).
> http://brennan.young.net/Edu/Lingvad.html

Wow, that's interesting advice!

I'm always interested in suggestions and comments about the Invadirs tutorial, even if 
I have no time to act on them.

I appreciate your suggestion to 'finish as best you can'. That's exactly the attitude 
I was trying to cultivate. It was the 'revisit every two to three months' that 
surprises me. Are you saying you've been using it as some kind of reference?

...but yes, people do seem to get lost somewhere around lesson 17. (There's a 
screenshot which conflicts with the text in that lesson, or thereabouts. Depending 
which one people take most seriously, they may or may not hit a bug which requires 
thinking outside the box. For some people that's not even conceivable. :)

I've had an update in the works for over a year which ought to make the last lessons a 
bit less heavy-going, but there's only so many hours in the day, and writing a 
smoothly pedagogical bug free tutorial involves a kind of meta-level debugging that is 
not to be undertaken lightly.

I am torn between making the tutorial become a complete game or keeping it as 
primarily as a learning tool. You certainly learn a lot by finishing stuff off, even 
if (or especially if) it's not as good as you know you can make it. Maybe that's the 
most valuable lesson of all.

One thing I've seen with feedback on my tutorial is people who follow the code too 
slavishly, without experimentation, and don't use the effort to understand the main 
body of the text instead. I guess there's no way around that. 

Almost all feedback has been positive though, and I'm confident that it has set a fair 
number of folks on the path of light.

Thanks for mentioning it!
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