> I'd be interested to hear of others who have Classic, who have fired
> up the extensions manager and disabled all the MS inits (list
> following), and specifically whether it worked.


You're definitely on the right track..
I already had a "stripped down" classic set in my  extensions manager
But after disabling ALL the MS components (before i kept a few) , rebooting
and such , i am now working a few days without a single director-breakdown
and also (as you mentioned) window-redrawing in all classic apps seems
Faster indeed. 

( you might consider posting it to  www.macosxhints.com )

> Here are the inits I disabled:
>  Microsoft Component Library
>  Microsoft Framework
>  Microsoft Hyperlink Library
>  Microsoft Internet Library
>  Microsoft OLE Automation
>  Microsoft OLE Library
>  Microsoft RPC Runtime Library
>  Microsoft Structured Storage

+  E.                <junior-developer>
+                       +32 3 470 26 13
+            http://www.alligence.com

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