Buzz Kettles [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 5/13/02 2:37 PM wrote:

> if member(2) = your field, you can get the value line by line ...
> x = value(member(2).line[1])
> put x
> -- [#property: "avalue", #property: 5, #property: "anothervalue"]
> put ilk(x)
> -- #propList
> hth
> -Buzz
> At 4:24 PM +0000 5/13/02, you wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm importing text from the web via getnettext to a field, the text comes
>> already formatted as property lists (or so I thought) it comes like this:
>> [#property:"avalue", #property:5, #property:"anothervalue"]
>> [#property:"avalue", #property:5, #property:"anothervalue"]
>> [#property:"avalue", #property:5, #property:"anothervalue"]
>> etc...
>> if I place the content of the field on a list
>> on startmovie
>> gData = []
>> gData = member("dataBin").text
>> end
>> the value of gData is a string
>> if I do value(gData)
>> gData = "[#property" (only the first bit within quotes)
>> if I turn gData to a list with textToList() with the itemdelimiter as RETURN
>> I get a linear list of strings
>> gData= ["[#property:"avalue", #property:5, #property:"anothervalue"]"
>> "[#property:"avalue", #property:5, #property:"anothervalue"]"
>> "[#property:"avalue", #property:5, #property:"anothervalue"]"]
>> and if I try con convert those to lists with value() it happens as before..
>> I've tried with searchAndReplace() also but I don't seem to get it to work.
>> is there an easy way around it??
>> thank you.
>> Gonzalo.
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