I'm not sure why you can't put your code in frame 2 instead of frame 
1? It's usually a good idea to allow 1 or 2 frames for Director to 
catch up, after loading a movie.

Please note: If you are affecting another sprite in your 
"beginSprite" handler, the other sprite needs to already be 
instanciated. This means that if your code is attached to a sprite 
with a lower sprite number than 16, it will not work as sprite 16 
doesn't exist yet. If your code resides in sprite 16 or greater, it 
should work.

If you can't move the code to frame 2, you can always use a timeOut object:


-- Allowing 100 ms before calling startMe:

on beginSprite me
   timeOut("delayedInit").new(100, #startMe, me)

-- The timeout will call startMe every 10th of a second
-- so we need to kill it after the first call:

on startme me -- Added the "me" object reference

   timeOut("delayedInit").forget() -- Killing the timeOut object

   playbackbuffermovie (sprite 16, "whorufinished.mov", #loop)
   -- end if -- PLEASE REMOVE THIS!!!


HTH & Good luck


>Hello all,
>I am using the QTVR2 xtra for putting video into a QTVR sprite. If I
>place the script, to place the movie into the qtvr on a button, play the
>movie and keep the playhead on the same frame, and then use the button
>it works.
>However I need to be inserted straight away, so I tried putting it on
>exitframe but it does'nt work because it is being called all the time,
>so I tried it on a beginsprite but this throws an error that the
>property " AreaOfInterest" is not found.
>I'm guessing this is because the QTVR xtra, or Pano is not loaded yet
>but I don't know how to get around this problem,
>Can anyone help?
>The code I'm using is below:
>on beginsprite me
>   startme
>on exitFrame me
>   go to the frame
>on startme
>     sprite(16).AreaOfInterest=rect(100,2300,200,2500)
>     playbackbuffermovie (sprite 16, "whorufinished.mov", #loop)
>     sprite(16).FieldOfView=45
>   end if
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