There is a new version up. I've incorporated Robert's request for hiding 
and moving. I have not thoroughly tested this on all major browsers but 
it's a start for playing around with. Tonight I just ran it on windows 
on IE 5.5 and NS 6. Interesting thing with the show hide code is that it 
works on IE but not NS 6, although that same code will work on layers 
that don't have shockwave in them. Movement is fine in both cases.

I've also added a movie that tracks mouse events outside of the 
shockwave movie and based on location will report on them. This could be 
used to track whether a submit button has been clicked (assuming you 
could keep relative location accurate across browsers) and if the submit 
button posts data to your server the shockwave movie could then go and 
extract that data and refresh its content without reloading as with the 
layered approach. Yeah its a brutal hack but it could work.

So looking at javascript to shockwave communication the approach might 
be to sniff for the browser and use a different method based on the browser.

Browser         OS              Method
IE 4 and 5      Win             EvalScript
IE 6            Win 
        I haven't tested yet
NS 4            Win/Mac 
NS 6            Win/Mac 
        layered or external mouse tracking
IE 5            Mac 
        layered or external mouse tracking

Hope that helps you out, Tab. (don't you just hate browsers :-)


PS if anyone else has time to check this out on various browser 
combinations I'd be interested in hearing your results.

Robert Tweed wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rob Romanek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>This is the rewriting a layer approach.
> Just out of interest, have you tested that in all the major browsers? I
> don't have access to complete test facilities at the moment, so I can't do
> them all myself. Just curious to know if it works properly on them all, or
> if a few of them have problems. I'd also be interested to know if moving the
> layer containing the plugin, or changing the visibility works on all
> browsers too. I know it doesn't work with Java (except in IE on the PC), but
> I haven't tried it with Shockwave.
> - Robert

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