At 08:38 11/06/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Hey I've got a client that got some work from another director guy
>(that'll learn ya!) and he says he's getting htap errors in Win98. Now, I
>don't know what version of Director this is yet, nor what's trying to be
>done. Just putting out feelers if anyone else has seen this, under what
>circumstances before I get the files.

I saw that error when I updated a D7 project to D8.5.1 & forgot to update 
the .dll files included with the project (dirapi.dll, etc).

Somebody else mentioned that they saw this error when using Shockwave 
compression on the projector and it went away when they removed the 
compression. I haven't heard back from them whether they included the 
necessary Xtras/dll files when creating a Fast Start stub projector.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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