Colin Holgate wrote:

> Yes please. I heard at a presentation something to the effect that 
> Director was on a different product cycle, and they wouldn't have an MX 
> version until the end of the year. I'm skeptical about that, it already 
> doesn't make sense to have so many products grouped together, and I 
> doubt that Authorware will be MX'd, so why would Director?

        Here it is... four mails from the same thread and its translation:

Miguel Angel Torres wrote:

Calma...calma que no panda el cunico!!!  jeje!!
Por ahi estará próximamente, pero no puedo dar fechas...
Director también estará dentro de la familia de MX, pero todo a su tiempo..

Miguel Angel Torres
Especialista de soporte técnico
Macromedia - División gráfica

"Atcherley M. Zapata R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
 > favor digame donde esta y si no..... alguien sabe algo de DIRECTOR MX?
 > Gracias


        Atcherley asked about Director MX and Miguel Angel Torres answered 
something like: "don´t panic! It will be here soon, I can´t give any 
date though.... Director also will be in the MX family... "


Another one... I wrote:

        ¡ja! ¿Es eso un anuncio oficial? Nunca me meto en las discusiones sobre 
el nuevo Director, su desaparición, los rumores, etc...porque me parece 
que no tienen ningún sentido. Pero es curioso lo que acabo de leer, 
porque ni siquiera Bob Tartar, Miriam Geller, Tom Higgins, John Dowdell 
o ningún otro macromedian se jugó a decir que Director iba a estar 
dentro de la familia de MX.

Gracias por el chisme [;)]

Miguel Angel Torres answered:

Si  te das cuenta todos los productos están saliendo en versiones MX ya que
es la nueva familia y estrategia de macromedia...

Aquí dice cuales son los productos que actualmente pertenecen a la familia,
pero también dice que otros productos podrían ser agregados....   que te
hace pensar eso? ;-P

Aunque yo no lo dijera es algo muy probable y lógico no lo crees? 
Director es líder en su área....



        I was wondering if the Director MX info he gave was an official 
announcement (just curious) because any of the MM people I know didn´t 
say a word about that... And I was grateful by the gossip ;)

        He answered that if I pay attention, all the MM products are coming in MX 
versions. And the FAQ says that new products will be added to the MX 
family... so what does that make me think?. And even if he wouldn´t told 
me that, it´s very probably and logical because Director is lider of its 

        Well. So far, that´s the strongest official info I´ve readed about 
Director MX. And my personal opinion is that it will be a Director MX 
for sure ;)

Agustín María Rodríguez > Creative Roaster > Agustín

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