stupid html formatting!!! here let's try this...

Evan Adelman wrote:

> Dunno if this will help, but I've had some nasty experiences with the 
> Flash xtra and lower grade machines -- actually, I never figured out if 
> it was just Flash or Director's Flash Xtra, but either way it was a 
> little over 3 weeks extra work (2 trying to find the phantom problem, 
> and 1 reworking the Flash to get it to work).  If you go low, I'd say 
> test early and test very often on your target platform and, best case 
> scenario, work into the spec's the words "best effort on environment 
> xyz". I don't think the lower order of processor was the problem, I 
> think it was a combination of low memory and crap-o-rific sound card 
> (cause there was a decent size voice over in the Flash movie).
> Anyway, I'd be wary of any development for machines >4 years old for 
> advanced stuff -- the reason they might treat Director like PowerPoint 
> is that nothing else works in their environment. In retrospect with my 
> client, I would have requested one of their target machines to test on 
> (or you work on site) cause even if you try to replicate their systems 
> (which I did), you have no idea what they have done to those machines 
> since they bought them (added new hardware, spilled coffee on them, had 
> drunken office parties and used it as an ashtray).
> Oh, and by the way, I tried reverting to 8.0 from 8.5 when experiencing 
> the problem to no help -- again though, I'm still not sure where the 
> real problem was, flash or director.
> Good luck,
> -Evan
>>So here's the list of questions:
>>I see that 8.5 has lower requirements than 8.0 (133mhz vs 200mhz Pent -
>>small difference), and 7 has Pentium (no speed) listed.  I'm going to lean
>>toward authoring in 8.5 rather than 7 (because hell I can't remember all the
>>changes since then anyway) -- now for a plain vanilla director app I can go
>>by the Macromedia specs...but what should I think in terms of
>>video (mpg1 or QT sorenson or cinepak)
>>Audio (mp3 compression or not)
>>Flash (if at all playing in director, ie no alphas)
>>PDF (play within the app via pdf xtra which is slow or launch externally --
>>what are the system requirements of the pdf xtra?)
>>Powerpoint (using Ravware's PPViewer Xtra to play within the app or launch
>>Let's just say that the client I'm dealing with isn't very tech-savvy and
>>don't know director's capabilities -- they've been using it as powerpoint --
>>and it's one of those cases that I can 
>>make recommendations without hard
>>specs and they look at me like a dog who lost his food bowl.
> -- 
> m u t a n t
>               m e d i a    > solutions for success
> Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012


m u t a n t
               m e d i a   >  solutions for success

Evan Adelman   |  917.916.7378  |  598 Broadway  NY NY 10012

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