Am 19.08.2002 14:26 Uhr schrieb "nik crosina" unter

> thanks florian,
> but keyframes, splitting and joining sprites is something i use a lot and have
> no problems with. also i realise that my problem may easily be confused with
> it.
> i have put a screenshot of what i mean at:

Sorry, i've never seen this before. I guess it's a feature :-)

I had a problem the other day, where i could not access the script pull down
menu anymore. I deleted the director preferences and all was fine again (mac


PS: how did you get the inspector inside (above) the score window? Never
seen that either. Might be helpful on windows, where authoring with 2
screens is somehow annoying

> you can see there that some sprites are drawn in a long uninterrupted line,
> with a keyframe at certain frames.
> but if you look at the sprite in channel 5, you see this 'other' incarnation
> of sprites i am talking about. each individual cell can be selected
> indiviually, will (probably) have its own begin/end sprite event, etc.
> these sprites still have keyframes as you can see from frame 150 in channel
> 20.
> i have not found anything about this way of sprite presentation in the help
> files or on
> and it annoys me that i can't (quickly) figure out howe to convert them back
> to the 'standard' presentation, as te way they are presented here sprite
> animations cannot be re-sized as keyframes that are 'in the way' when
> shortening the animation are simply erased....
> hope that helps!
> thanks
> nik.

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