Am 21.08.2002 10:11 Uhr schrieb "Lee Blinco" unter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've just done a movie in several languages and i didn't embed the font as > it was arial and i thought that this would be on all win machines. On nt > however spanish accented characters did not show properly, does this mean > that the arial font on nt is not the same as on other versions of windows ? > > I tried to change all my text members ( a couple of thousand ) with the > following movie script. The script didn't return errors and i tested it to > see that it cycled through all the ast libraries and cast members but it > didn't change all the text members fonts from arial to arial * - Can this be > done with a bit of code ? > > repeat with n = 1 to the number of castLibs > numberofmembers = the number of members of castLib(n) > repeat with m= 1 to numberofmembers > if (member(m).type=#text ) then > put member(m).font > if (member(m).font = "Arial") then member(m).font = "Arial *" > end if > end repeat > end repeat > You are not replacing all fonts in castLib 1 only, you need to write something like Member(m,myCastLib).font=... I have an old script here, should do the job: on replaceFont k,m --k=font to pe replaced --m=new Font repeat with i=1 to the number of castLibs put "Checking" && the name of castlib i repeat with j=1 to the number of members of castLib i if member(j,i).type=#text then if member(j,i).font=k then put "Font detected in member " & j && "in cast" && the name of castLib i member(j,i).font=m end if end if if member(j,i).type=#field then if member(j,i).font=k then put "Font detected in member " & j && "in cast" && the name of castLib i member(j,i).font=m end if end if end repeat end repeat end [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]