At 4:44 PM +0200 9/10/02, you wrote:
>A word of warning: I haven't used cuepoints in video, but I sure 
>have in audio (.aif). I have also used the movieTime to sync stuff 
>with video. From my expercience, using movieTime is more tight than 
>using cuepoints.
>For my sharp projects, I've mainly used quickTime movies on a Mac.
>I did some comparisons using an audio-only QT, with cuepoints. I 
>found the movieTime to be more tight than isPassedCuePoint() or 

The overall accuracy depends what one is DOING with the timing 
points, and the available time scaling underneath.

If you are jumping to them, then setting the movieTime vs. using a 
cuePointTime to set the currentTime should be roughly the same.

As for responding to a particular time going by ...

isPassedCuePoint() was never intended for precision.
- it's a crude boolean that says you are passed a point.
Since you do the polling, you set the accuracy (& pay a the potential 
performance impact for high accuracy = frequent polling)

Polling the movieTime & responding should be similar.

Using an 'on cuePassed' handler is the best way to respond to cue points.
It fires as the cues occur, and doesn't require polling.



>>Greets to all
>>It's looking likely that a number of projects I'm
>>working on are going to be requiring stage events to
>>sync with or be triggered by digital video. I've found
>>that checking for the movieTime of the video isn't
>>accurate enough so I'm looking at embedding cuepoints.
>>I'll work out all the Lingo myself (but I shall call
>>on you guys n girls if I get stuck) but I'm stuck on
>>how to get them in.
>>Any tips on procedure and required software?
>>Cheers as always
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