>Wow, till this I didn't realize you were in the Netherlands. I was 
thinking France.
well ...make a mix of it, i'am a french guy, but i do live in the Dutch 
mountains, that's why you might have encounter some weird english coming 
from me... i do often mix the 3 languages, words or grammar are so 
different... and when you talk/read/write the 3 all day long, even the 
strongest coffee cannot prevent those mistakes...

Back to that OSX/classic/native thing...
 >If a CD is mounted and ready to play, how can its drawer be open?
no no, again a case of bad formulated english...
i gave you a few cases has you asked for,
i mean that on classic mode, using for example CDpro Xtra, the check on 
draw open, or if a cd is ready to play or if a cd is mounted.
No all at same time of course... give me the credit of a minimum of 

I run on 10.1.5. (might be 10.2 by the end of the week) and on 9.2.2 

About the print res.. try the printform lingo and you'll see.... thats 
why i've asked this week on the list some advice on PoM lingo....
i think the problem will go away since PoM allows res setting, using 
something like doc(0,0,72,72). This problem is so far i'am concern, 
Its a question of spending a few moments on a new script with the PoM 
help files.

I found out there was a problem, because i use a rip server to print and 
the Epson isn't supported under 9.2.2
so all my print tests need to be done under classic, because OSX seams 
to share the rip with classic with no problems but the resolution if not 
defined. Otherwize i never came across this, i think.  It pure chance 
(or not!!)

yeah! thats a smart one!!!, i've explore some other way, i was first 
scanning the maindirectories of mounted volume to see if some OSX files 
were there, like "D.store"files  for example, and indeed found some, ask 
the user to answer if it was Classic or Native. But so far couldn't find 
something fundamentally different to define if the app was running under 
Classic or not.
I didn't get to me to check a running app that runs only in OS/classic 
mode. Probably because i didn't know...
Where do i find info about this checkprocedure using FileXtra3?

BUT, just before hiting the send button of this mail, just came across 
another problem:
According to Sherlock, there is no "uiHelper" on the systemdisk (not 
even on the computer)....  might be because i run a dutch OSX
Do you know another one running on Classicmode only?
i think this is, anyway the right way to define if classicmode is true 
or not. thank you for poniting me this smart solution.
go to apple site now to see what i can fish out...


Howdy-Tzi heeft op woensdag 2 oktober 2002 om 09:04 het volgende 

> On Wednesday, October 2, 2002, at 01:47 AM, Fabrice Closier wrote:
>> Howdy-Tzi heeft op dinsdag 1 oktober 2002 om 16:38 het volgende 
>> geschreven:
> Wow, till this I didn't realize you were in the Netherlands. I was 
> thinking France.
>> Just to give you a few ones:
>> how to detect a CDrom draw to be open or not, if a cd is mounted or 
>> ready to play....
> If a CD is mounted and ready to play, how can its drawer be open? The 
> two conditions are mutually exclusive. What version of X is this? Older 
> versions had some definite latency problems with CDs.
>> When printing form projectors, OSX gives a 96dpi info to the printer, 
>> in 9.x a 72 dpi...
> That's interesting, I must say. I haven't tried printing under X with a 
> classic app, except to send stuff to PDF via preview.
>> if i knew how to distingisch both i could change the script for bother 
>> environements.
> Man, this is a corker. Off the top of my head I'd suggest just asking 
> the user.
> OH! Wait! In Classic, there's a program called uiHelper that runs. It's 
> *only* running if an app is running in Classic under X. If it's running 
> 9 native, that app is *not* loaded. So perhaps you could use BuddyAPI 
> or FileXtra3 or some such to see if there's a program called "uiHelper" 
> running -- if so, you know for sure it's Classic under X.
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>        Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
>                    Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
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