Thanx Agustin and Buzz,

I have something i can work on now. Out of interest Agustin if you use Plasma you can 
export a camera attached to a spline with animation applied ot it and this works in 
director. The reason I couldnt use this is becuase i need to have several paths the 
camera moves along.

Anyway thnx for the help I should be able to get this working now :)


At 2:15 PM +0100 10/24/02, you wrote:
>  >>Thanx,
>>>That was exactly what I wanted.
>>>My next question is this:
>>>Is it possible to make the camera move along a path (spline)?
>>>and possibly keep it pointed at the same point?
>>use pointAt ...
>>& the manual
>This doesn't allow me to move the camera along a path, who would I 
>do this? I want to be able to draw a path in my 3d program then 
>attach and animate the camera along it using lingo.

I was suggesting that you make the path & create the object animation 
in the 3D program & then use Director to control that animation while 
using pointAt to dynamically follow something else

sorry I responded so quickly

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