
1) I don't think wish-director is the place to report bugs

2) Where did you get new DLLs? Did you use a standard upgrade install? Were you going from 8.5 to 8.5.1, or did you just grab some DLLs and do a home-upgrade? Because if so, you probably have a number of things out of whack and I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't work.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you said you did, but you're describing a non-standard upgrade.

- Tab

At 05:25 PM 11/11/02, roy crisman wrote:
Last week I installed the 2 new Networking Xtras, and the 2 new DLL's (IML32 and DIRAPI) in my Director 8.5.1 PC Win2000 developing environment.

On 3 different Win2000 PC's with D8.5.1.

Now, I can no longer use the debugger when an error happens (clicking [script] or [cancel] is ok, but not [debug]). I also can't use the debugger by setting a breakpoint.

When I try to, I get a WindowsUI message:

Director 8.5 (it's 8.5.1, of course)
A fatal error has occured. Director will quit now.

To help narrow down the problem, I created a new movie, with only

on startmovie
  a = 1
  b = 2
  c = 3
in a movie script. Setting a breakpoint on the second line causes the crash above.

I CAN however open the debugger window via the menu or CTRL-`, but it's blank, of course.

It's entirely possible that I've somehow screwed things up somewhere else, but since my computer at home is doing the same thing, I'm beginning to suspect that I couldn't have possibly screwed something up twice the same way (3 times when you count the other work computer that I saw the behavior on but it's currently out of commission due to hardware issues).

some testing happens

Switching back to the old IML32.dll and DirAPI.dll and 2 network Xtras, and the Debugger does not 'fatal error'.

Switching just the IML32 and DirAPI to the new versions, and it errors again.

For reference (cut n pasted version numbers from the info box):

New DirAPI.dll version:
New IML32.dll version:
(cause crash)

Old DirAPI.dll version:
Old IML32.dll version:
(no crash)

This problem on Win2000 PC's D8.5.1 has been reported to wish-director AT MACR.


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