Thanks Roy! :-) You know how gets with the late nights and all...makes one a bit batty.

Actually you've helped quite a bit. I was having trouble distinguishing between ActiveX DLLs and Controls (Search online for pertinent information and you get a lot of programmers arguing about the differences with no clear answer). I've learned (since my little conversation w/myself) that they are essentially the same 'cept ActiveX DLLs present no visual interface - are not "pixel-creating" as you say. That being the case, I should have no problem using MM's own, free ActiveX Xtra.

Yay. Thanks for the advice and confirmation. Will let you know how it all works out.

Best Regards,

On Friday, December 6, 2002, at 09:10 AM, roy crisman wrote:

I hope I'm not interrupting your conversation with yourself...:)

You should be able to import ActiveX bits and use them. Try to import them via:

Insert > Control > ActiveX...

My current project uses several different (custom) ActiveX components, to control an external motor, communicate with a camera, control some c++ code objects for creating rendering chains, log stuff, etc.

After importing them, they'll be cast members, then I pop them on the stage, and move them off-screen if they aren't pixel creating activeX's.


At 03:58 AM 12/6/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Oh...if it makes things any clearer...some semantics - an ActiveX control is aka a COM DLL.

On Friday, December 6, 2002, at 03:44 AM, 2702NET wrote:

or...can I use the MM ActiveX Xtra? A DLL is not a Control...but...

On Friday, December 6, 2002, at 03:29 AM, 2702NET wrote:

Hi folks..

I have what may be a somewhat naive and OT question, but here goes:

Can GLU32 Xtra be used to call *ActiveX* DLLs? If not, is there an Xtra that can be used for this?

Issues/gotchas I may need to be aware of?


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