----- Original Message -----
> In our present version, I used imaging lingo to draw the cells,
> but found that the whole thing comes to a grinding halt after a few
> minutes.

The issue probably isn't imaging Lingo so much, as lack of proper
optimisation. It's hard to say what you might be doing that is causing such
poor performance (you're not writing to the stage.image for each sprite, are
you?) but imaging Lingo should be capable of at least equalling the
performance of individual sprites, and is often faster.

As for your second issue, of detecting click positions, this should actually
be an area where you can improve on performance, compared with sprites.
Since many of the sprites will be arranged in a uniform grid, you can use a
simple caclulation to determine which one the mouse is over. This saves
doing a bounds check on every sprite, which for a large number of sprites is
quite time consuming (assuming no other optimisations are used, although
Director probably does optimise this quite a bit anyway).

It's hard to say much more about this without knowing more about what your
code is doing.

BTW, you might be better off asking about this type of thing on DirGames-L.

- Robert

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