Thank you Irv!

yes, certainly that would be very useful.

At the moment I'm trying to make a list of vocabulary with the translation
next to it, then when the user click on a perticular word, the sound
tiggered (how to pronounce the word).

Because I have got about 50 words each list, tried to make textmember on the
fly and then fill them with words that I retrive from a PropertyList.

Now, my next step problem is how to attach a behaviour on each text member
that I created on the fly so that when the suer click on the sprite it will
trigger the sound to play.

Thanks !

----- Original Message -----
From: "Irv Kalb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: <lingo-l> Create TxtMember ON THE FLY - adding

> I'm sorry I haven't followed this thread, but I'll make a guess as
> what you are trying to do and give you an alternative approach it.
> This sounds like a program where you pose a question and have a
> limited number of answers, and ask the user to click on the proper
> answer.  If this is the type of program then...
> Rather than creating a new Text member on the fly for all possible
> answers to all questions, create n Text members where n is the most
> that you will ever have on the screen at one time.  For example lets
> assume that you had a question and 4 potential answers.  In this
> case, you can create a Text member called Question, and four answer
> members called Answer1, Answer2, Answer3, and Answer4.  You drag
> these onto the stage and position them appropriately.
> Now, when you are ready to pose a question, you get the question and
> answer text, and you have a routine that puts the text into these
> members for display:
> on PoseQuestion sQuestionText, sAnswer1, sAnswer2, sAnswer3, sAnswer4
> -- "s" for string
>    member("Question").text = sQuestionText
>    member("Answer1").text = sAnswer1
>    member("Answer2").text = sAnswer2
>    member("Answer3").text = sAnswer3
>    member("Answer4").text = sAnswer4
> end
> Then you need some variable that remembers the correct answer (i.e.,
> 1, 2, 3, or 4)
> Each of the Answer sprites would have a simple behavior that either
> checks against the right answer, or calls some handler that checks
> against the right answer.   You could just use the last character of
> the name to determine the "value of the response:
> property pValue
> property spriteNum
> on beginSprite me
>    sName = sprite(spriteNum)
>    theValue = value(the last char of sName)
> end
> on mouseUp me
>    SomeHandlerThatWillCheckForCorrectness(pValue)
> end
> Hope this helps,
> Irv
> At 8:05 AM +1000 1/24/03, universal2001 wrote:
> >Hello again!
> >
> >now, I have a further question.
> >
> >If I created my text fields on the fly, and then put it on the stage, and
> >then how do I insert the MouseUp script into each of the text field on
> >stage - ON THE FLY?
> >
> >The reason I asked is because I want to make each text field on the stage
> >that I have created on the fly responses to user mouse click so that
> >can play the sound when users click on the text field.
> >
> >I hope this explaination is clear enough to understand - excuse my messy
> >English.
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >Uni
> >
> >
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> --
> Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions.
>    (Home-made Lingo cooked up fresh every day just for you.)
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